
  • Hills Be Gone!

    After some serious digging work 2 piles (felt like mountains!) of earth moved. Amazing what one mad woman with a vision and a shovel can do! And...
  • Cabbage bowl still looking good!

    I made a few of these a while back- using cabbage leaves as a sort of mold for the mortar mix bowl. Fun and easy to do. One of the main reasons I ...
  • Abundance. That's what you get when you let nature take the lead.

    Abundance. That's what you get when you let nature take the lead. Mid winter in the Food Forest and we are still getting plenty to eat. The key wi...
  • Why would you want to start a Food Forest?

    Why would you want to start a Food Forest? Before you start your Food Forest you need to think about why you are doing it and what your goals cou...
  • Amazing Hazel!

    Amazing Hazel! Hard to believe that this pretty catkin is the daddy of yummy hazelnuts. Hazels are wind pollinated- so that means to get hazel nut...
  • New Alpaca Boys at Tinui Food Forest!

    The old Ford Transit comes in handy once again! We are the proud owners of 4 new alpacas- courtesy of Jade and family. The first problem was to get...
  • Autumn Colours

    Autumn colours and grape vines puttin on a show! It's been a good grape year this year- these vines growing over the arches are all around 3 to 4 ...
  • Happy Quince Time!

    We've been waiting for the quinces to ripen- and this is the first load. Quinces are a favorite crop here in the Tinui Food Forest- they get used ...
  • Blackberry time!

    Out I go every evening to collect the ripe blackberries. I then wash them and freeze them- ready for my planned Blackberry and Apple Syrup. I hav...
  • Living Willow Maze

    Living willow maze located in the original 23-year-old Tinui Food Forest. Planted originally because it was too wet for any trees to grow in the a...
  • Cabbages can be fun...honest!

    Cabbages can be fun...honest! I've got some strange cabbage growth going on here this year- planted in just about pure silt the cabbages have grown...
  • Loaded!

    Young damson plum tree in full production. Plums aren't ripe yet so a bit of a waiting game going on. Last year we had only a few plums- and they...