We've been busy this week!
We've been busy this week! We've had a visit from a local group and also visits from a local school- St Patrick's School, Masterton where the younger students have been visiting- over 150 children and 30 adults. Busy times for us!
What I wanted to share with you though is a comment from one of the 5 to 6 year old children. We were walking through the Food Forest Kitchen Garden and we got to the chair and the table pictured. The young child said to me "what is that for?" And it sounds silly but it really threw me. An adult would get it instantly, but having to explain to a child that it is a lovely place to sit and to enjoy nature and rest felt special. It made me reassess things- we all so busy being busy. When do we actually take the time to sit and enjoy nature? And it's the best healing thing we can do for ourselves- taking the time out to really be still and peaceful.
We've got another 48 kids coming tomorrow - I'm promising myself though I'm going to go and sit in that chair. Tomorrow night. Definitely!