New Alpaca Boys at Tinui Food Forest!
The old Ford Transit comes in handy once again!
We are the proud owners of 4 new alpacas- courtesy of Jade and family.
The first problem was to get them into the van. That involved Ray, myself, and Jades family running around the paddock, trying to coral them with a long piece of blue rope- which worked a treat- and then physically lifting them into the van. Not so easy to do. We were knackered afterwards! The easy bit was driving them home- they are such polite beasties- nobody even went the toilet in the van. Spitting was minimal, and it was ok when I told Ray to knock it off (joking!). So here we are- a lovely new group of alpacas ready to join in the fun at the Tinui Food Forest!

I was going to let you know HUHA had Alpacas for rehoming but I see you have new arrivals so may not have room! Just thought of you as we visited a few years ago.