If a Food Forest doesn't have a teepee is it a Food Forest?
Just puttin it out there...
If a Food Forest doesn't have a teepee is it a Food Forest?
Haha! Yes I know! Funny eh?

This is a willow and hazelwood teepee with hops growing over it.
Loved by kids of all ages- big and small.
Not sure how practical it is- we get to look at the hop flowers- growing at the top of the teepee. We still need to get that helicopter organised for picking them!
The hop vines are interesting- they grow really fast in spring and have sticky sort of tendrils that are great for climbing. And come winter time they die off right back to the base.
Hop flowers can be used for the obvious beer making and are also a "soporific" herb (ie they make you sleepy) so can also be used in herb pillows to help you sleep.

I'm speaking hypothetically of course as we haven't yet managed to organise that helicopter for harvesting time! I can just see Ray dangling from a line trying to pick hops! To be honest though it would most likely be me -upside down showing my knickers to the world trying to pretend like it was all planned!