Hills Be Gone!

After some serious digging work 2 piles (felt like mountains!) of earth moved. Amazing what one mad woman with a vision and a shovel can do!
And welcome to the new Tinui Food Forest Circle Garden! This new garden will be in my Permaculture "zone 1" (ie the area closest to the house and something that i will visit every day). The idea is that this area will receive a lot of attention- herbs, flowers, veges, fruit trees etc will all happily mingle.
Here's a list of what has been planted so far- peach tree, flowering quince trees (x4), globe artichoke, rosemary, daisy plants, lavender, grapes, calendula - and masses more.
And the cost? $0. Everything here has been grown from seed or cutting. Only my labour involved. And that is a labour of love- so free eh?
The 4 warratahs at the back are going to be the base for an Arbor. I am really looking forward to sitting there of a summers evening admiring the plants! Cost of the Arbor? $0. The warratahs have been sitting around for ages, and the arbor itself will be made of hazel wood.
So there you go! Having lots of fun and not spending a dime!