Cabbage bowl still looking good!

One of the main reasons I like to have a few pieces like this around the Food Forest is that they add interest points- often (always!) the Food Forest is by design "messy"- remember my old "only human beings like it tidy- nature needs a mess" saying. So when you have these "interest points" scattered around they draw the eye, and make it easier to accept the "mess". Same with the arches, little twig structures etc. Really anything that makes you focus in on it. This is especially important in winter- as there really isn't a lot going on- I'm lying there because the spring flowering bulbs -including snowflakes and jonquils are flowering their little hearts out- but the trees- well they still look like dead twigs!
The other good thing about the cabbage bowls is that they make a great source of water for bees- they can walk along the "cabbage" ridges and stay safe.