Abundance. That's what you get when you let nature take the lead.
Abundance. That's what you get when you let nature take the lead.

The key with a Food Forest is that you want to encourage the plants that will grow year on year with little or no input from you.
Making veges perennial works well for me.
The pictures of these cabbages show cabbages planted last spring being given a second lease of life. When I have harvested the first cabbage from the plant I will often leave the plant in the soil to see what happens- and quite often it pays off. I've got a few cabbage plants with the multiple cabbages forming- some are just about ready to pick. And you can see the cabbage plant in the second photo- the original cabbage plant went to seed- so when I got sick of it, I just gave it a little push over- and you can see what is happening- free new baby cabbage plants. I pluck the little plants off and then just pop them into the ground. Works well for me and I really appreciate how little I have had to do to get new plants.
And that is the whole point! Minimise the control you have over the garden, let nature take the lead, and then sit back and wait for the results!