How to Grow a Food Forest

We know the environment is in trouble and we all want to do our bit to improve things.
Growing a food forest is one way to do that.
A food forest copies a natural forest, but includes the foods that we like to eat!
A food forest provides a beautiful healthy ecosystem for you, your family, and the environment. Growing a food forest is a kinder way to grow our food in a sustainable manner that benefits not only us humans but all the other non-human inhabitants that we share our patch of paradise with!
This eBook provides a step-by-step practical guide to start your food forest journey.

A step-by-step introduction to starting your own food forest e-book, including many practical pointers for how to go about it.

$15 Buy Now!

Save yourself a whole heap of stress and make it easy on yourself to get started with your own food forest!  

The author and creator of the Tinui Food Forest, Deb Butterfield has 20 plus years of experience gained while working on her 4 acres of food forests. 
Starting from a bare paddock, Debs' Tinui Food Forest is now a mature food forest with hundreds of different species of plants growing together and forming a healthy ecosystem for both the human and non-human inhabitants of the food forest. 
Founder of "Love Food forests", Deb has a passion for working with food forests and loves to inspire others to start their own.

This e-book will inspire and encourage you to start your own food forest journey!